Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tv Thoughts: HIMYM 2/19

Ok, another note to sa about this season oh HIMYM. As i believe i have said before, this season has made a turn for the better. The past few seasons in this show slumped bc we were so far away from meeting the mother. but now that we r there the episodes are starting to really have skill put into making them.

This episode had something, that i believe is a great comment on a perfect marriage. We know that Marshall erioand Lily stand for the for-everlasting, perfect couple. Meet first in college, and stick it through all the way. But i want to make a serious mention of what showed that in this weeks. At the moment Marshall comments that they have had that expensive ash tray in their house he knows hes about to say something that will start a fight. In this perfect of all perfect marriages they know that they will hav fights, no they will be fine through it, and that its part of life. He doesnt have to be scared, he just says "guys leave, we are about to have a fight". He knows its necessary and that there will be no issues in end, but that he is secure that thye need to fight.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Movie Mumblings: J. J. Abrams is directing the new Star Wars

This is a direct quote from a comment i wrote on a friends wall post that asked "JJ Abrams directing star wars. Your thoughts. Go.

             "im not 100% sure how i feel about [JJ Abrams] directing [the new star wars]. on one hand i love the stuff hes done, of course including star trek and fringe was also a fantastic show. lost of course had its crazied followers and armageddon was one of the better bruis willis films thats been done outside the original die hard. so abrams is very good. im just not sure how his style will effect the star wars universe. while there is alot of seriousness, which i think it one of abrams strong point is how he gives over a very serious universe, in the star trek universe, theres also a sense of aloofness that comes with the the whole "knights using mind powers with glowing swords" that we all have come to kno and love. 
            an example of a serious scene done poorly was the intro scene in star wars 3 when they kill dooku..,awful...just awful...however, i dont think abrams would hav done it right bc rememeber, we r dealing with jedis talking about the force and its more or less two religions fighting saying things like "you are not strong with the Force"...not something i think abrams could do. but maybe im wrong about this and he will pull it out. 
            im excited to see it no matter what and it will for sure not live up to my expectations and ill be disappointed but thats not gonna stop it from being a good a movie and me enjoying it immensely either....unless of course its an awful, awful movie and it makes me want forget my entire life just so that i dont hav to rememeber it"

Lets see what other eventual posts come up about this movie.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

TV Thoughts: Once Upon A Time Part 1

         Ok, so i was putting this off for a while because i was actually really, really enjoying this show and could tell that once i started this, it was going to be very long indeed. So i kept putting it off. However, right after i completely caught up, i was on Facebook was Sruly and began talking about it and some of the aspects i liked. So i inadvertently began my blog in a chat with him. However, i feel like just sitting here and typing will get boring and i wont want to finish it, so heres what im gonna do. This will also become a multi-blog (im starting to do these alot, even tho i seem to never come back to them). I will post new blogs that i do over time when ever the show becomes a topic in my head, and eventually collaborate them all together on one final blog with also an overall summery.

So, heres the first bit that i wrote to sruly in a messege (edited into a paragraph):
  •            "[The actor who plays Rumple Stilskind] plays such completely different, yet eerily the same characters. But im saying the quality of his acting is by far superb. Im not talking of the personality that was written up by the writers. im saying the lvl of which the actor was able to giv it over. his skills are amazing and its such an awesome character personality. especially bc u figure out, no one is completely evil. i kinda want to see him let loose on korra, but we kno [if] that will happen, he will lose, and then emma will save him.
               I also like how well they showed how much emma was a stranger in the land of the enchanted forest. Like you could tell that her personality just didnt sick with the land, it was too cynical, like ppls of our world. she just completely didnt belong. Now to show this isnt too hard, but to overdo it is. and they made it perfectly subliminal yet apparent enough that the viewer knows. her tone of voice was the key to this. Emma always had this darker more of an "adult" and "realistic" tone to her voice. while Mary Margret and the others in the enchanted forest all had voices that sounded kinds like they were slightly aloof and, well, like they were from a fairy tale story book! once again, this could hav been overdone, but after watching it, my personal opinion is that they did not."

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Music Memoirs: Intro to the Beatles Binge and Notes on Please Please Me

            So after needing to really start finals' studying because I had not done anything all day and it was now 1:30 am, i decided to download the Across the Universe soundtrack to listen to while i read abnormal psychology. After listening to this whole album through, i decided to go full out and get the whole Beatles Original Discography. 
           After doing this, I thought, "Well, i never have really sat there and just listened through Beatles stuff. I know a lot of songs but i dont really KNOW the Beatles." I grew up with them so they were around in my head, but i didnt grow up with them when they were big, that was my parents time. My bands that Ive followed and lived with are ones like Dave Matthews Band, Avenged Sevenfold, and even some various top 40s people that do to mass broadcasting i end up hearing, getting into, and being knowledgable on their music. Oh and Glee. 
           So then I decided to embark on a journey to listen to all the Beatles albums in chronological order. So i put on a visualizer and put the first album, Please Please Me, on. I listened to it fully through. (At some point i even turned off the visualizer and just listened with my eyes closed, but i did hear the whole album; i did not fall asleep.) After i jotted down these notes:

Please Please Me: 1963
- can easily see movement around 4th...new sound
- very "garage band of friends" sound
           - personal
              - kinda feels like the neighborhood kids in a garage playing around
                - its a fun sound
           - unique (even though this becomes the new standard)
- even without accompaniment like we are used to nowadays which makes a very full sound, there seems to be alot going on (even at this point before they got into all their crazy stuff)
          - several harmonic voices
          - a full band set with very distinctive instruments
          - not over filled, notes hold for longer instead of just being constantly replayed

           So now here is the plan. Im going to continue to do this when I have a chance. Sit down, become aloft, put on a Beatles album, and simply listen to it through. Afterwards, i will write down simple outlined notes, as i did above, and later, once Ive listened through everything, I will look over my notes, ruminate on my memories and write out a nice little paper on my thoughts on the Beatles as a whole. 
           Lets see if i can do this. 

(Because if i can, that will be freaking sweet. Like, after the removable of any trace of loftness, i could publish this paper or use it for something. Whos knows? Either way it will be really cool to have.)